10 May 2023
NAATI on hold – SLIANZ and AUT joint statement
Please read our joint response here: https://slianz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/NAATI-on-hold-Joint-Statement-10-May-2023-1.pdf
27 April 2023
SLIANZ and AUT say no to NAATI replacing proper training
As you will be aware, in December 2022 ODI announced that NAATI would be implemented in New Zealand for NZSL-English interpreters.
Since then, an additional decision has been made by the ODI/the NZSL board to allow a way for people who do not have an NZSL interpreting BA or diploma to achieve NAATI accreditation. This can be done by passing a Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) to a specified level, and completing a short, generic interpreting course and then a NAATI test. The exact rationale or demand for this pathway has not been explained.
You can find more information about this on the ODI website here (https://www.odi.govt.nz/nzsl/news/interpreter-standards-for-new-zealand-sign-language-nzsl-interpreters/ ). Please note this website may not be updated at the time you receive this email, you may need to check back later.
This decision comes as a shock to SLIANZ and the AUT NZSL-English Interpreting programme. We strongly believe that this is the wrong decision and have said so in our joint statement, which you will find attached.
We will organise a facilitated meeting if members would like a place to come together to discuss this. We will keep our members informed of any developments or new information we receive.
Ngā mihi,
The SLIANZ Board and AUT NZSL-English Interpreting Programme
Read our joint statement here: